Wednesday, December 17, 2008



伤害过 心疼过 深爱过 曾经 甜蜜过 痛哭过 也笑过
黑白和 彩色的 画面 我们都曾一起走过

欺骗过 背叛过 原谅过 逃避过 面对过 却不肯放手
只能怪对完美的执著 有了裂痕的爱情 让我们都产生了戒心

当初的承诺 和我无心伤害的过错
你要的我都没有做 我要的你却又做错

我们没有谁对谁错 分开继续过生活
是该说你太迟了解我 还是你付出了太多

我们都伤害过对方 让你我都心疼过
看来是时间放手 分开继续过生活
我们没有谁对谁错 分开继续过生活
是该说你太迟了解我 还是你付出了太多

但是你得付出 不是我想要的付出

(I'll upload it when I'm free la :p)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random Thought of The Day: Male Vocal

2 post a day is definitely rare on my rarely updated blog, but as I come across Louis Armstrong songs in my long buried song list on this fine day I can't help myself, I need to share this to more people.

It got me thinking for quite sometime, what happen to male vocalist, most of them trying so hard to hit the high notes, taking over the females territory; sacrificing the masculinity and power of good o' deep voice. What happened to the voice quality like of Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong, even Elvis just to name a few. Those deep soothing voice that would catch one attention even on A Cappella or Scat singing.

Louis Armstrong
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Louis Armstrong (August 4, 1901 – July 6, 1971), nicknamed Satchmo or Sachimo and Pops, was an American jazz trumpeter and singer.

Coming to prominence in the 1920s as an innovative cornet and trumpet virtuoso, Armstrong was a foundational influence on jazz, shifting the music's focus from collective improvisation to solo performers. With his distinctive gravelly voice, Armstrong was an influential singer, demonstrating great dexterity as an improviser, bending the lyrics and melody of a song for expressive purposes. He was also greatly skilled at scat singing, or wordless vocalizing.

Renowned for his charismatic stage presence, Armstrong's influence extended well beyond jazz, and by the end of his career in the '60s, he was widely regarded as a profound influence on popular music in general: critic Steve Leggett describes Armstrong as "perhaps the most important American musician of the 20th century."

I think that his musical talent is superb, and I PERSONALLY think that it was his wordless vocalizing that spark the idea of beat box. Isn't it just funny to think that life is like a circle and a one's history may become another's invention. I'm really hoping that if any music maker happens to stumble upon this piece of article, make some music for real man! Enough of all those sissy songs, especially those pops with too much falsetto. Those songs won't last long, and 90% of the time others can only remember the chorus anyway. A great song is one that people wouldn't fast forward to chorus and play next track at the end of chorus.

So why don't I start writing some song and show to the world how songs ought to be? Who said I'm not, but it's yet time for me to share it now.

Woman Arrested After Killing Virtual Ex-Husband

Woman Arrested After Killing Virtual Ex-Husband
By David Kravets October 23, 2008 | 7:32:20 PM

A 43-year-old Japanese woman, angry over a sudden divorce in the virtual online game Maple Story, has been arrested on suspicion of hacking into the game where she killed her once-virtual husband, authorities said.

Authorities said the Miyazaki woman illegally accessed the game with a password she hijacked from a colleague. That made it appear as if her coworker committed the online murder.

According to The Associated Press, the woman told police: "I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry."

The hacking allegation carries a maximum five-year prison term.

WTF!? I'm glad that I'm not living in Japan then else my sentence would be more than 5 years! How could one takes online game so seriously? Sometimes I wonder, do we have nothing better to do in the 'real world' that's why some people tend to cling on to the virtual world hoping for a better 'life' there?

Account hacking is so usual in online game, I shamelessly admit that I used to do that. The 'Forgot password' function is like a friend of mine when it come to account hacking. Better yet, we can send email to the Game Master (GM) claiming that someone else hack my account, but of course you need to do some 'homework' on your part and collect some 'evidences' which you'll have to figure it out yourself.

Anyhow those were the days and I'm not doing it anymore because I don't even have time to play those time consuming games, beside Earth:2025! Which I'm really addicted to and have been playing it since year 2000! It's a great text based MMORPG game with a lot of number crunching (if you are serious about it), market trend analysis etc.

Check it out at Earth:2025 and don't tell you that Utopia is better because they are not! Hehe

Friday, October 24, 2008

Song of the year!

作词:五月天 作曲:五月天
人 群中 哭著 你只想变成透明的颜色
你再也不会梦 或痛 或心动了
你已经决定了 你已经决定了
你 静静 忍著 紧紧把昨天在拳心握著
而回忆越是甜 就是 越伤人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深浅浅 的刀割
你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
这 世界 笑了 於是你合群的一起笑了
当生存是规则 不是 你的选择
於是你 含著眼泪 飘飘荡荡 跌跌撞撞 的走著
你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不恨了 也决定不爱了
你不是真正的快乐 你的伤从不肯完全的愈合
我站在你左侧 却像隔著银河
难道就真的抱著遗憾一直到老了 然后才后悔著
你值得真正的快乐 你应该脱下你穿的保护色
为什麼失去了 还要被惩罚呢
能不能就让 悲伤全部 结束在此刻 重新开始活著

Hate to sound like a chick but dammn this song is freaking touching! Just love how the song progress, and the meaning in the lyrics of course not forgetting the cute chick in the MV.

Well one could never move on if one always look back. Of course you had great time with those people be if friends, family or even lovers but they left or you move on for a reason. Sometimes a reason that no one can understand but I believe that there's a cause for every effect. You could act as if everything is alright in front of all other people but a true friend, a person who is really close to you who matter the most to you will look through that veil call smile. The pain pierce their heart knowing that you rather torture yourself by locking yourself up and kept on reminiscing about the good old day. So why let past suffering torture your present and keep on losing friends/family/lover who are dearest to you now? Forgive and forget is easier said than done unless you have amnesia. At least try not to trigger the thing that brings back those memories. Let bygone be bygone and live on because everyone deserve a happy life.

Strongly recommended!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

张起政 - 救生圈 歌词

想不到我也有用华语来写部落格的一天,哈哈毕竟是华人嘛。。。 近几个月一直听见这首歌,真的觉得这首歌会让我有种莫名的感触。歌词,曲和唱法都是超棒的,浮浮沉沉的真的有一种救生圈的感觉!马来西亚的歌手都很有实力嘛!就可惜当我想K的时候竟然找不到歌词!幸好有好心人上载到Youtube而那个MV也有歌词字幕!只好自己抄写下来咯,当然我也不是吝啬的人就放上网和大家分享了!希望大家多多支持本地(马来西亚)创作哦!

张起政 - 救生圈


在你和他之间 隐约的再浮现
若有一天 我也深陷

为了让你脱险 漂在海面



repeat chorus

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nice "Scam" well at least she got me!

I've receive a comment on friendster from a 27 years old lady that I barely know, she's sweet pleasant looking lock her profile in private mode. The comment she posted appeared to be an embeded streaming movie, the starting scene is a young normal looking blond.

Well it's rare enough that people take a look at my profile much less about posting a comment. So I'm curious, so what's that movie all about? Click the "Play Video" and I'm redirected to her website, and the redirection link is seriously I think this is such a smart move. Hence I apply the first rule of marketing, Copycat 101, Monkey See Monkey Do!

Here's the step by step of what I do.
Step 1: Navigate to because I remember posting some youtube clips there.
Step 2: Take a nice screen shot on the you tube clip with the big play button in the middle.
Step 3: Cut it out with my trusted partner in crime Macromedia Fireworks (yes the good o' MX version, works best for editing web images.)
Step 4: Watch the video below and get transferred to my blog! wicked!


Wednesday, August 06, 2008





死神走後,富翁想了一下,要得到真心笑容,就從自己結髮四十年的老婆開始,會比較容易一點。於是富翁就花了 很多錢買了一條鑽石項鍊,這是他老婆以前就很想要的,然後送給老婆。老婆見到鑽石項鍊很驚喜,也笑的很開心,但是死神卻告訴富翁,這根本就不是真心笑容! 富翁感到很奇怪,於是他又加把勁,送了老婆房子,車子,鑽戒,所有女人想要的東西他都買了,奇怪的是,老婆雖然高興,卻都不符合真心笑容的條件。


這時候,富翁突然發現,老婆的笑容好美,一早起來的她雖然沒有化妝,笑! 容卻美的讓人心動,富翁突然明白,這幾年來他從來沒有好好陪過他的妻子 ,都忘記她真正開心的模樣了。










富翁想說,反正再過幾個小時,他就要被死神抓去地獄了,所以他也不想掙扎了,只是在路上悠閒的走著。走著走 著,富翁突然看到了一個小女孩蹲在路邊哭,而周圍的路人卻沒有人願意伸出援手幫助她,富翁想說,反正我也沒多少時間好活了,就幫幫小女孩好了。於是,富翁 把小女孩帶去警局,做了記錄,等小女孩的父母親來接她,在等待的這段時間,富翁一直看著時間,他心裡是有點焦急的,因為離死神來接他的時間越來越近了,而 他卻只能枯坐在警局中。






Thursday, July 24, 2008

The X-Files: I want to Believe

I thought that if I'm watching a movie alone, I don't need to book for tickets because there might be left over single seats but too bad, Batman: The Dark Knight is so popular that even the single seats are filled! So instead, I watched one of my all time favorite series/movie, The X-Files: I want to Believe, and what's wonderful about taking some time off to watch a movie is, it kept me thinking keep my brain functioning, the way it shouldn't. It makes me think...

At times, we lost ourselves losing our direction, over our passion for what we started buried by the harsh reality and all the people who kept telling you that you can't make it. Maybe we've gone through miles and miles of obstacle and we end up giving in at the final inch. Call it life, this is the main reason why there are so many people telling their good old days stories.

Come to think of it, what keep us living? What is the force that wake you up every morning? Why do you go to work? Is it because you believe that it is the only way to keep your family surviving? That you will eventually be rewarded for how much you worth? Or was it something totally different?

I'm a person of question like you may already observe, because I strongly believe that by asking the right question I will find the truth. The reason, purpose for my existence and in search for my purpose I try to gain as much knowledge as I could, but in the process so much of those knowledge left redundant, so much of youth wasted. My main problem is that I'll try to poke my nose in to everything that I come across and never get deep enough into it, which explain why I get shitty but never into deep shit. That's why when I'm asked to take a stance on my religious view my answer is always

"I Believe in Everything, so much that I Disbelieve in Anything"

Why? Simply because the fact that we believe in or made believe contradict each other way too much. Don't think for a second that I'm just another atheist, a person who is being superstitious with science and think that in time, science can explain everything.

Sorry to disappoint you but NO!

I do believe however that science has become a religion as well and it also has it's faithful followers, the scientist. Hence I believe in science as much as I believe in the supernatural which contradicts each other and leave me wondering, wandering and losing my direction as to what is the truth, yet again. Seriously I want to believe, but those people who approached me arn't a good enough salesperson to make me believe their side of the story.

Oh wait, I think it can also be linked to my political view too! As much as I want to believe that Pak Lah is just resting his eyes, he could really be sleeping or vice versa. It's your call about what you want to believe in, but as for myself, I believe that he's resting his eyes by sleeping.

The truth is out there, but how could we know what is true if people who hold the truth are not or cannot speak of the truth?

Coldplay: The Scientist Lyrics

Coldplay The Scientist Lyrics
©BMG Music Publishing Ltd.

Come up to meet you, Tell you I’m sorry, You don’t know how lovely you are

I had to find you, Tell you I need you, Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets, And ask me your questions, Aww let’s go back to the start

Runnin’ in circles, [sounds like] Comin’ our tails, Heads on the science apart

Nobody said it was easy
It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Aww take me back to the start

I was just guessin’, At numbers and figures, Pullin’ the puzzles apart

Questions of science, Science and progress, Do not speak as loud as my heart

Tell me you love me, Come back to haunt me, Oh when I rush to the start

Runnin’ in circles, [sounds like] Chasin’ our tails, Comin’ back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Aww It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I’m goin’ back to the start


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Leatherface in the making?

If anyone can recall the movie The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, where the family member will co-operatively, con a group of friends into their house, in the middle of no where, and turn them into the family dinner or souvenirs.
SEREMBAN: A 14-year-old girl, wrongfully confined by a 19-year-old boy for eight days, has been reunited with her family.

This news of Confined teenager reunited with kin eight days later certainly come to me as a shock.
“The boy told me that I should stay there. He told me that he liked me and wanted to marry me.”

She could not call anyone as there was no telephone in the house.

“The boy did not hurt me. He kept telling me that my mum would not want me anymore as I had sinned for having stayed with a stranger. I just didn’t know what to do,” she said.
How far would you go to get your son his future wife? Seems like too much of love is bad for certainly everything.

All these weird crimes happening now here in Malaysia, makes me wonder are all these the effect of global inflation? Will earth still be a safe place to stay? Or human has evolve into a stage where they are no longer a social being? I've also come across a quote:
“man is a social animal that detests his equals”

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fortune telling: Name analyze

I've found something rather interesting from one of those forwarded message, thanks to my boredom too. The main function of the website is to interpret your dreams, and it also comes with some fun tools which can analyze your name and tell you more about yourself.

林恩煜 的內在想法

林恩煜 的外在行為

林恩煜 的感情分析

So how true is it? You're the judge man
Here's the link to the website:
Click the link below to see my result!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Man it's been another week!

I remember going back to Penang with full spirit that I'll help make my family business (which was a slump and still is) a successful one, one that get listed on at least the second board. However I'm stuck with current situation. With all the political drama distracting my attention, lack of funds to get the gadgets I wanted, the freaking price fluctuation of raw material etc etc. Not to mention that it sucks when you don't get paid for the work you've done. I got demoralized, pissed and desperate, to the extend that I get into a quarrel with my mom (who is my boss). It was SHAMEFUL! and I'm seriously sorry about that.

It's been 6 months since I came back 5 months since I join the company, nothing seems to change. All my strategic plans have been turn down or put on hold due to financial and human resource issue. There's only my mom running the main show with a few really helpful employees, and I'm not part of it. So what's my work there? Let me show you some of my work then:
Packing Machine
No I'm never a graphic design major nor I took any classes for it, that's why the design seems kinda crappy. Maybe to make myself happier, the sales of the items which I design for increases. *sigh* BUT IT'S ALL STILL TOO FAR FROM REACHING MY DREAMS!! I'm not young anymore, by my age Bill Gates is already a freaking Billionaire and I'm a not even close to Hundredaire :(

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Don't Slap me! Sleep with me!

How much sicker can this world goes? Apparently this is such an unanswerable question. I remember when I was 14 I barely know how to communicate with the females, well I'm still is anyway. However now a 14 years old know how to force a girl into sexual intercourse (rape in short duh~) with a mere slapping threat! Much worse, it happens in the afternoon in shopping complex, no wonder staircase of shopping complex stinks!

KUALA TERENGGANU: A teenager threatened to slap a 14-year-old schoolgirl before raping her at the staircase of a shopping complex in Chukai near here on Sunday.

The girl reported to police that she followed her friend to the shopping complex at 2.15pm and when they were at an isolated spot in the complex, her friend demanded sex and threatened to slap her if she refused.

State CID chief Asst Comm Mohd Fauzi Abduri said the girl claimed she had initially refused to give in to her friend's demand but was afraid that he would assault her and relented.

He added the girl lodged a police report at the Chukai police station at 3.25pm.

As shown by the statistic
source: CIA:The World Factbook
No wonder guys are willing to do so much just to get a pussy, all due to the 0.01% difference! Oh well of course we will need to look at other factors which render the statistic incorrect like the conversion rate of lesbian vs gay (more lesbian, less woman, more competitive to get a chick) vs (more gay/queer less guy, less competitive to get a chick).

It's amazing when you try to list down things that a guy would do to get a chick/pussy/date for example:
1) Taking them to dinner, those that server in small portion and a BIG bill
2) Beer/Liquor/_____/Wine (fill in the blank with whatever that will get them drunk)
3) Perfume!
4) Diamonds, Gold, Silver, Platinum and all the bling bling
5) Dresses (just so that they can undress them later)
6) Wait, yes a verb, some are willing to wait forever for a/the woman/girl/chick/pussy to fall from the sky
7) Love, ahh... such admirable action...
8) Cash which is the easiest way, there's a reason that the oldest profession is still in practice
9) Seduce, with/without the aid of drugs
10) Drug!
11) Brute force!
12) and the list goes on as long as the word creativeness exist

What would girl do to get a/the dick? Spread their legs (works if they just want a dick but doesn't always work when they want THE dick)

"What the fuck have you done (to get a chick) lately?" - Wesley Gibson, Wanted

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Technocrati Tools

Kinda find these tools useful and wanna try out their functions:

Technorati Top Searches

Technorati Top Tags

View blog authority

Technorati icon

If you like them visit
for the source code and how to add them to your site!

Religion, something that I can never understand

Man challenges dead half-brother's conversion to Islam
...after the post mortem, a hospital staff informed the deceased's family that the body could not be released to the family as the deceased had converted to Islam at the Penang Religious Affairs Department.
I'm was stunt when I read about this, is it true body of a Muslim cannot be claimed by their family members who are non-Muslim? Seriously must they treat religion like citizenship which once cannot have dual citizenship (beside a few countries)? All religion in general are teaching their followers to do good deeds, be be humble and kind. Can't a person embrace two set of teachings?
In my opinion it shouldn't be a problem at all, just an analogy. Hinduism believe that they shouldn't eat beef because it's a symbol of their god and the cow are working hard to help them earn their living; and the Muslim believe that they shouldn't eat pork because it's dirty and diseases could be spread from there. If one want to follow both religion, they can just choose to eat fish or be vegetarian.

So many blood was shed for the invisible 'superhuman' if they really exist is this what they really wanted? Or a small group of people had found out the truth behind the teachings and make good use of it to influence other people to perform tasks for them? Tasks like Holy bombing, holy fucking etc etc etc any verb with the Holy prefix (holy shit included?).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Revived! I mean Restored!!

Finally facebook restore my account!! Now I can continue to spread my cause to more people muahahha

Hi Lauyee,

Your account was disabled because you took repeated actions that could be construed as spam. For instance, it is a violation of Facebook's Terms of Use to repeatedly send the same message or to make the same post. Facebook prides itself in protecting users from spam, and we take this standard very seriously.

However, after reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account, and you should now be able to log in. Please refrain from sending the same message or repeating the same post, as further violations of our Terms will result in your account being permanently disabled.

Please also be aware that when a warning message appears on your home page, it will generally be displayed for 24 hours. It can be displayed for longer, however, if you continue to perform these actions. We appreciate your cooperation going forward.

Thanks for your understanding,

User Operations

Hey if you happen to have a facebook account join my group! LoL

Paper Pilot! Try beating me!


My current high score is only 48.4M!!

Highest so far as according to youtube is 49.1M you beat the game if you reach 50M anyway.

So to give you some tips and tricks:
1) Watch closely at the video for the correct way to throw the plane
2) Here's my configuration that did best for me.

Trust me once you get the hang of it, it'll be easy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

News that makes me really really sick!


PETALING JAYA: A policemen was arrested after he allegedly raped a 17-year-old girl who was brought into the police station for interrogation.
The girl was allegedly forced to perform oral sex on the policeman, in his 20s, and was raped at a police station in Selangor on June 18.
It is learnt that the girl was on a motorcycle with her boyfriend at 5am when the policeman, who was on patrol, stopped them. As the boyfriend did not have a licence, the policeman and his colleague hauled the couple to the police station for questioning.

Sources said the boyfriend and the girl were questioned in different rooms.
“During questioning, the girl was forced to undress and the policeman threatened to throw her boyfriend in jail for 20 years if she refused to obey him,” said Selangor police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar.
Fearing for her boyfriend’s safety, the girl agreed to perform oral sex on him before being raped.
After half an hour, the two were released but the girl did not reveal the incident to her boyfriend or family members.
However, two days later she confided in her cousin who promptly told her parents.
Accompanied by family members, the girl lodged a police report at the Putra Heights police station on Sunday.
Khalid said that the policeman, who is married with a child, has been detained and remanded.
“He has been suspended pending investigation,” he added.
I've got this coming in from my news feed on TheStar:Nation and it's happening in freaking PJ! Not some kampung! Worst of all it's a married policeman who convicted the crime on a minor! Is this country still safe to live in?

Over inflation, change of governments, no-confidence vote against PM, escalating crime rate, PM and his deputy linked to murder c'mon surprise me with what's coming up next. Earthquakes sinks Penang Island?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Announcement of my new blog!

I'm not much of a political guys, and if you stumble upon my blog you can see that I'm pretty much a new to this playground. Being very much affected by the result of the most recent election, I've been following the political news more and more. So much that I've become passionate about it and wanted to be part of it, hence the birth of my first functional blog: If I am Pak Lah ( It aim to
bring in more audience for political news, and create a more politically aware society. Not only as a channel to distribute factual information but also make it easily understandable and entertaining at the same time. I fully understand that this will not be an easy task, given my current command of language, but as I post, and with more support from the community, I'm sure can improve myself and learn from my mistakes that they pointed out. If you are interested to be an associated author please contact me via MSN or send an email to I'd be more than glad to have you as my partner, as the Chinese saying goes, "Three smelly skin smith, better than one Zhuge Liang" 三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮

And hell, Facebook still haven't reply me yet! Dammn... If they perma ban me I'm gonna be so fucking pissed :(

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Facebook account disabled!!


Well, I've created a new blog beside this one, a blog that is more meaningful than just nagging complaining and let you know me :p

The blog is yes If I Am Pak Lah! What's the relation between a new blog and facebook account getting banned? Well I've created a group in facebook as well! Hehe, as I make a search for related group I found out that dammn there are 14 groups with similar intention! How could I not message those group creator who are like minded, so I gao gao go to message them one by one, of course using the same message.

Copy, paste, change name send. Reminds me of those days when I used to work in a Royalty Free Image distributor company in KL. Those were the days where I used to send freaking thousands of email out a day without using a bot! That's also one of the reason I got hooked on Mozilla Thunderbird, one of the coolest email client I've ever used, simple, powerful and a lot of shortcut keys so I don't have to rely on my mouse too much.

Anyway I've send a message to, just in case you don't know you should send a message to them if your account is disable to explain yourself.

Dear Admin/Moderator:

My account has been disabled for message spamming. I can understand that it is bad to ignore the warning and spam/mass message other users, especially those who are not in your friendlist. Seriously I am glad to learn that Facebook is making such effort to minimize spamming.

The reason for my action is because I recently created a group:

and I found a few like minded people who created similar group. I got over excited and merely send them a message about my group and would like to ask for their help to spread my cause via their relatively more established network/group. I am confident that they would be more grateful than annoyed by the message I sent them.

Attached is a copy of message I sent manually:

Title: Related Group about Pak Lah!

Hi Ted(I change to their First Name):

Glad to see that we have a common view about Sleeper Lah! I've created a group on face book and a blog inspired by people like you and others:

My group/blog is called IfIAmPakLah and what I aim to do is have frequent (as frequent as hourly if possible LoL but that would required a lot of us) review on current business/local/international news related to Malaysia and post up probable action that our PM aka TheSleeper would do in a constructive yet sarcastic and independent way.

This would put more people (especially youth) actively involve in changing the current political situation and may one day our voices are loud enough that they can't just ignore us.

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Andy Lim

I am really sorry about my action that cause you the trouble and would really appreciate if you could restore my account. I promise that I will refrain from my action and find other better way to promote my cause.

Thank you and have a great day ahead.

Best Regards,
Andy Lim (shut up, duh I've been using this name for ages anyway, thanks to those who can't say EnYee correctly and I'll have to think of a name to prevent them from calling me Annie)

As I'm typing here they've replied me, with a bot, baaa so much for anti-spamming duh.......

Re: Disable for spamming:
From: Facebook Support (
Sunday, June 22, 2008 2:19:07 PM


The Facebook Team has received your inquiry. We should get back to you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our Terms of Use ( for more information.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

The Facebook Team

Worst of all, the bot can't even fetch your name while replying, the person writing a script the script must be a n00b g33k! Like you can see here on the facebook executives page 100% of them are n3rdy g33kzor! LoL but fuck, those n3rdy g33kzor are 1000% richer than I am :(

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I'm trying to learn this song currently, not too hard not too easy either

作词:林夕 作曲:吴国敬 编曲:Jim Lee

我的爱人不理我 可是这世界怎么说
两个人不能够在一起 一定是男的那个有错
我什么都愿意做 有什么委屈也不选择反驳
宁愿找男生借个肩膀 难听的话更多

一直保持沉默 会认为你懦弱

好女人不好过 坏男人有错
好男人不好做 是不是整个社会的错
女朋友离开我 我还要生活
原谅我刚喝过 讲得太刻薄

年纪不能比她小 好奇的人会有话说
但是钱要赚的比她多 否则人家会嫌你沦落
有义务陪女朋友 可是又没有权利放弃工作
有运气事业有点收获 没时间说承诺
谁都没有错 我喝了太多

and seriously this song is freaking meaningful, if anything goes wrong in a relationship, it's usually the guy's side that's being blamed. As if girls/woman/ladies/bitches will never make a single mistake. Especially if you din't grief over a break up, you are the one at fault.

Dammn the 9-5!

After 6 months of going back into what people deem as normal working hour, I still can't suit myself with the hours. Although there ain't much activities at night anyway but I'll always stay up until 3am at least. Don't ask why, I don't even know.

Beating the traffic to reach my office, the crowd to get my breakfast is surely suck to the max! Too bad I don't have a choice, and it's always bad for a boss to arrive the office late, when the business isn't running smoothly yet.

Okay on the side note, since I've started this blog I'll search for website with online marketing tips and try them out one by one, just to see which one is working best and hopefully I can earn enough from online marketing and aid my current business which is always in cash flow difficulties.

Anyone who happen to know and can provide me with some tips and tricks please leave a comment or contact me via email:

~> lauyee-at-gmail-dot-com <~

Oh I'd like to know how to add background image as well :) single color background is so dull

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Done with the layout

For the time being I guess, I wanted to add a background to it but lack the skill :( well I haven't have time to really design a background for it anyway. Converted it into a 3 column template that I downloaded from the internet. Man coding is so much fun and I wonder why did I gave up on it when I had a chance, but we have a huge surplus for coder anyway.

So what's up today? Still as unproductive LoL else I won't even have time to update this place anyway. Oh ya, if you happen to be here and you have a Facebook account join the "Let's break a Guinness Record! 2009 Approved by" group! They need to recruit 5million people before 2009 and the best part is each member can apply for a certificate from Guinness! Seriously why not? It's just a few clicks away and you are so bored reading this chunk of useless text anyway.

Okay here's the details from facebook
Group Info

CLAIM ID: 201898 MEMBERSHIP ID: 179432 Ok listen people!!! We applied to set a new world record to the officials last October, and now they have accepted our attempt of setting a new world record on facebook (UNITE LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN ONE GROUP) Here we need at least 5 million people to set a new and first of its kind world record here on facebook!!!!! All members who will apply for the certificate will receive an official Guinness Record Certificate from YOU CAN ONLY APPLY AFTER WE SET THE RECORD!!! All these other groups that are attempting to set a record are not recognized by Guinness records because they did not apply for setting a new world record to the Guinness officials. This group has received an official license from You can find more about our attempt and about the rules and regulations here on To take part all you have to do is: 1 Join this group. 2 Click on "Invite People to Join" from the menu on the right. 3 Select all your friends (for this record to work, you need to do this). 4 Click on "Send invitation" It's that simple. IF YOU THINK GAS PRICES ARE TOO HIGH! Then join this group

Here is our acceptance letter

CLAIM ID: 201898

Dear roy,

We are glad to inform you that your record attempt has been accepted and it has been transferred to our internal system.

From the UK: 0207 387 5998
International: +44 207 387 5998

Or by post:

Guinness World Records
Agreement In
184-192 Drummond Street

If you are successful, we will send you the current world record and details of the guidelines you must follow.

Thank you for contacting Guinness World Records.

Best regards

Records Management Team
Guinness World Records

Your are the ones who are breaking this world record everything depends on YOU YES ON YOU! Every single one of us can make a huge difference so come on LETS BREAK A REAL GUINNESS RECORD!

How many have you invited? Please write about it on the board topic ''How many have you invited''
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What is lauyeelosophy?

It was a little unexpected that this blog is still up at running after so many years, and definitely a huge chunk of inactivity. Started off with nothing but some personal nags, sharing some of the songs that I genuinely like and their lyrics, and some thoughts that I have no one around me to discuss with, bullshits that I've structured.

Soon I'll put everything into a mixing bowl, sharing lyrics with a structured bullshit story. I wouldn't update it as often as I'd like to but for people who like reading, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed.

Yes a picture is worth a thousand words, but it wouldn't be as entertaining as a thousand words for sure.

Sincerely yours,